Warrant Attorney in Daytona Beach
Is There a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?
If you have a warrant out for your arrest, contact a Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney for immediate legal advice. By ignoring a warrant, you are putting your future at risk. You can be arrested at any time - while you are at work, at home, or in your car. A qualified attorney can help mitigate the legal problems you are facing, including filing a motion to surrender, or motion to withdraw the warrant.
Buckmaster & Ellzey is skilled criminal defense firm that can provide prompt legal assistance if there is a warrant out for your arrest. We can negotiate your surrender and arrange for your release from custody as soon as possible. On an immediate basis, we will confirm if the warrant is still in effect, if a bond will need to be paid, and the amount that is being requested. Whenever possible, attorneys at our firm will also petition to reduce the bond amount, or seek a release on your own recognizance.
Daytona Beach Warrant Lawyer
A warrant is usually issued by a court to arrest and detain a person. Types of warrants include:
- A failure to pay a fine warrant
- An arrest warrant
- A warrant for missing a court date
- A probation violation warrant
Our firm can provide the capable legal counsel and representation that will be needed to properly address your situation. We know the laws and legal options pertaining to warrants, and will give you sound advice regarding your alternatives. We can also be counted on for capable legal defense in any criminal case related to the warrant.
Contact a Daytona Beach warrant attorney at our firm if you have a warrant out for your arrest to discuss you situation and how to address this important legal matter.